/* custom codevz menu - 1.7.6 */ !function(e,s){"use strict";var o=function(){var o={bcclass:"sf-breadcrumb",menuclass:"sf-js-enabled",anchorclass:"sf-with-ul",menuarrowclass:"sf-arrows"},n=function(){var s=/^(?![\w\w]*windows phone)[\w\w]*(iphone|ipad|ipod)/i.test(navigator.useragent);return s&&e("html").css("cursor","pointer").on("click",e.noop),s}(),t=function(){var e=document.documentelement.style;return"behavior"in e&&"fill"in e&&/iemobile/i.test(navigator.useragent)}(),i=function(){return!!s.pointerevent}(),r=function(e,s){var n=o.menuclass;s.cssarrows&&(n+=" "+o.menuarrowclass),e.toggleclass(n)},a=function(s,n){return s.find("li."+n.pathclass).slice(0,n.pathlevels).addclass(n.hoverclass+" "+o.bcclass).filter(function(){return e(this).children(n.popupselector).hide().show().length}).removeclass(n.pathclass)},l=function(e){e.children("a").toggleclass(o.anchorclass)},h=function(e){var s=e.css("ms-touch-action"),o=e.css("touch-action");o=o||s,o="pan-y"===o?"auto":"pan-y",e.css({"ms-touch-action":o,"touch-action":o})},u=function(e){return e.closest("."+o.menuclass)},p=function(e){return u(e).data("sf-options")},c=function(){var s=e(this),o=p(s);cleartimeout(o.sftimer),s.siblings().codevzmenu("hide").end().codevzmenu("show")},f=function(s){s.retainpath=e.inarray(this[0],s.$path)>-1,this.codevzmenu("hide"),this.parents("."+s.hoverclass).length||(s.onidle.call(u(this)),s.$path.length&&e.proxy(c,s.$path)())},d=function(){var s=e(this),o=p(s);n?e.proxy(f,s,o)():(cleartimeout(o.sftimer),o.sftimer=settimeout(e.proxy(f,s,o),o.delay))},v=function(s){var o=e(this),n=p(o),t=o.siblings(s.data.popupselector);return n.onhandletouch.call(t)===!1?this:void(t.length>0&&t.is(":hidden")&&(o.one("click.codevzmenu",!1),"mspointerdown"===s.type||"pointerdown"===s.type?o.trigger("focus"):e.proxy(c,o.parent("li"))()))},m=function(s,o){var r="li:has("+o.popupselector+")";e.fn.hoverintent&&!o.disablehi?s.hoverintent(c,d,r):s.on("mouseenter.codevzmenu",r,c).on("mouseleave.codevzmenu",r,d);var a="mspointerdown.codevzmenu";i&&(a="pointerdown.codevzmenu"),n||(a+=" touchend.codevzmenu"),t&&(a+=" mousedown.codevzmenu"),s.on("focusin.codevzmenu","li",c).on("focusout.codevzmenu","li",d).on(a,"a",o,v)};return{hide:function(s){if(this.length){var o=this,n=p(o);if(!n)return this;var t=n.retainpath===!0?n.$path:"",i=o.find("li."+n.hoverclass).add(this).not(t).removeclass(n.hoverclass).children(n.popupselector),r=n.speedout;if(s&&(i.show(),r=0),n.retainpath=!1,n.onbeforehide.call(i)===!1)return this;i.hide()}return this},show:function(){var e=p(this);if(!e)return this;var s=this.addclass(e.hoverclass),o=s.children(e.popupselector);return e.onbeforeshow.call(o)===!1?this:(o.show(),this)},destroy:function(){return this.each(function(){var s,n=e(this),t=n.data("sf-options");return t?(s=n.find(t.popupselector).parent("li"),cleartimeout(t.sftimer),r(n,t),l(s),h(n),n.off(".codevzmenu").off(".hoverintent"),s.children(t.popupselector).attr("style",function(e,s){return s.replace(/display[^;]+;?/g,"")}),t.$path.removeclass(t.hoverclass+" "+o.bcclass).addclass(t.pathclass),n.find("."+t.hoverclass).removeclass(t.hoverclass),t.ondestroy.call(n),void n.removedata("sf-options")):!1})},init:function(s){return this.each(function(){var n=e(this);if(n.data("sf-options"))return!1;var t=e.extend({},e.fn.codevzmenu.defaults,s),i=n.find(t.popupselector).parent("li");t.$path=a(n,t),n.data("sf-options",t),r(n,t),l(i),h(n),m(n,t),i.not("."+o.bcclass).codevzmenu("hide",!0),t.oninit.call(this)})}}}();e.fn.codevzmenu=function(s,n){return o[s]?o[s].apply(this,array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1)):"object"!=typeof s&&s?e.error("method "+s+" does not exist on jquery.fn.codevzmenu"):o.init.apply(this,arguments)},e.fn.codevzmenu.defaults={popupselector:"ul,.sf-mega",hoverclass:"sfhover",pathclass:"overridethistouse",pathlevels:1,delay:300,easing:'linear',animation:{opacity:"show"},animationout:{opacity:"hide"},speed:100,speedout:100,cssarrows:!0,disablehi:!1,oninit:e.noop,onbeforeshow:e.noop,onshow:e.noop,onbeforehide:e.noop,onhide:e.noop,onidle:e.noop,ondestroy:e.noop,onhandletouch:e.noop}}(jquery,window); /* custom theme scripts */ var codevz = ( function( $ ) { "use strict"; var body = $( 'body' ), wind = $( window ), inla = $( '.inner_layout' ), abar = ( $( '.admin-bar' ).length ? 32 : 0 ); // custom easing. $.extend( $.easing, { def: 'easeinoutexpo', easeinoutexpo: function(x) { return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ? math.pow( 2, 20 * x - 10 ) / 2 : ( 2 - math.pow( 2, -20 * x + 10 ) ) / 2; } }); $.fn.codevz = function( n, i ) { $( this ).each( function( a ) { var e = $( this ); if ( e.data( 'codevz' ) !== n || $( '.vc_editor' ).length ) { i.apply( e.data( 'codevz', n ), [ a ] ); } }); } return { init: function() { this.search(); this.loading(); // functions on window resize. wind.on( 'resize', function() { var wind_width = wind.width(); // wp 5.0 gutenberg $( '.alignfull' ).each(function() { var inla_width = $( this ).parent().width(), from_left = ( ( wind_width - inla_width ) / 2 ); $( this ).css({ width: wind_width, left: -from_left }); }); // line element auto height. settimeout(function() { $( '.header_line_1' ).css( 'height', '' ).each(function() { $( this ).height( $( this ).closest( '.row' ).height() ); }); }, 500 ); }); // posts equality. $( '.cz_default_loop_grid' ).closest( '.cz_posts_container' ).each(function() { $( this ).addclass( 'cz_posts_equal' ); }); // rtl mode. if ( window.location.search.indexof( 'rtl' ) >= 1 ) { $( "a[target!='_blank']" ).each(function() { if ( ! (/rtl/.test( this.href ) ) ) { this.href += (/\?/.test( this.href ) ? '&' : '?') + 'rtl'; } }); } // fixed footer. $( '.cz_fixed_footer' ).codevz( 'fixed_footer', function() { wind.on( 'resize', function() { body.css( 'margin-bottom', $( '.cz_fixed_footer' ).height() ); }); // temp fix settimeout(function() { body.css( 'margin-bottom', $( '.cz_fixed_footer' ).height() ); }, 1000 ); }); // header custom shape size. $( 'div[class*="cz_row_shape_"]' ).codevz( 'row_shape', function() { var en = $( this ), cls, css, hei; codevz.heightchanged( en, function() { cls = en.attr( 'class' ) || 'cz_no_class', cls = '.' + cls.replace(/ /g, '.').replace(/ /g, '.'), hei = en.height() + 37; if ( ! $( '> style', en ).length ) { en.append(''); } $( '> style', en ).html( cls + ' .row:before,' + cls + ' .row:after{width:' + hei + 'px}.elms_row ' + cls + ':before, .elms_row ' + cls + ':after{width:' + hei + 'px}' ); }); }); // print icon. body.on( 'click', '.cz-print', function() { if ( ! $( '#print-me' ).length ) { body.append( "
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'.sub-menu' : '.sf-menu', ff_pos = $( '.fixed_side' ).hasclass( 'fixed_side_left' ) ? 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